Exercise Title: Exposure and Post Production one to one demonstration
Purpose: Spend some time together going through what Lightroom can do and work through editing a few images to give you a greater understanding of what each of the editing options can do.
Method: Work together on a few images you have taken and show you some of the editing on my own images.
Feedback: Key learnings from the day were: -
- keep an eye on the histogram to get images exposed correctly
- use sliders subtly to avoid nasty artefacts in images
- use the history to go back to an earlier state of editing
- graduated filter:
> can be dragged from any direction
> the changes are 100% to the first line, fade to 50% on the middle and 0% at the third
> the closer the lines the harsher the effect between 100% and 0%
- keep an eye on the histogram to get images exposed correctly
- use sliders subtly to avoid nasty artefacts in images
- use the history to go back to an earlier state of editing
- graduated filter:
> can be dragged from any direction
> the changes are 100% to the first line, fade to 50% on the middle and 0% at the third
> the closer the lines the harsher the effect between 100% and 0%