When we are back in Christchurch area it is inevitably filled with catching up with friends and family, working with my photographic students and talking with camera clubs. With my photographic focus being on other peoples needs then I don't tend to pick up my own camera that much. This has been a particularly weird month in that I've spent a lot of time photographing people rather than landscapes. On the plus side that does make for a different set of images to the usual dominance of landscape images from our travels.
We will still be in the Christchurch area for most of May so I am going to make a concerted effort to pick up my camera more and go and explore the area with fresh eyes......I have no doubt there really must be a lot more to see than I found this month!
So, with not much more to say about our journey through April, here are some images from the city streets, people and the occasional foray out into nature.