With lockdown in full swing we have been even more appreciative of our wonderful manual espresso coffee machine. Soo many people have gone without good coffee for the last few weeks....eek! We've even had virtual catchups with friends for coffee which worked really well. No doubt at all that the ability to have FaceTime and Zoom meetings has made the lockdown feel a lot less isolated than it would have.

Playing around with double exposures, a flower in the garden and the side of the car in this case.

More in camera double exposure experimenting

Not sure we should be grateful to have these in the lawn but it did give me an hour or so of fun creating images.

Another one from the garden

Love shapes created by strong shadows in the house.

Gorgeous last afternoon light lighting up our view across the valley

Bit of a stylised shot part way through the month capturing the feeling that we are stuck inside with nowhere to go.

A particularly windy and wet night left leaves scattered across our deck

A walk (from the our home) takes us past the local orchards where the leaves are confirming we are in autumn.

Plenty of the valleys finest apples on the trees. These were just by the side of the road, seemed a shame not to and, they were delicious :-)

View down the valley with the trees in full golden splendour

Early morning light makes for such a peaceful view from our place

We, like most of NZ, were up early for the ANZAC dawn service. Normally this is a time for large gatherings of people to remember those who gave their lives to protect our country but this year in lockdown we all stood at the end of our driveways in isolation and contemplation listening to the service on the radio. A beautiful peaceful morning very fitting of the occasion.

As usual we have plenty of fog this time of year which gives wonderful rays of light as the sun comes up behind the trees.

To finish off the month some photography playing to come up with an image that would not normally be seen on these blogs but a type of image I really love.