Taking a different path on to the beach at New Brighton gave me a new perspective and a reminder to not always follow the same route

This seagull made me laugh as it seemed to walk along and check its reflection every few steps

A baby dotterel, it really doesn't get much cuter than this

Too cute, had to share two pictures

I think the owls where we are parked must be getting used to us as we have seen them much more this trip

A new addition to the family shows what a strong grip he has, just 24 hours after coming into the world

A walk along the beach on a very windy afternoon

One of my favourite images from this model shoot

Spiders web in the early morning light after a very damp night

Another model getting ready for her photos

Just loved the simplicity of this one.

Up in the hills overlooking the Canterbury Plains with a friend as we made our way to the falls

Washpen Falls

Washpen Falls

After a night of heavy rain the leaves on the plants by the river where much more interesting

The local beach where we used to live was always popular with horses......this one was not that keen on the surf!

Mum's cast, just what she didn't want for Christmas!

Another trip to the ominously named 'Bone Shop'