A picnic bench half buried following the first weather event to hit Kaiteriteri

You'd hardly believe that only the day before wind, rain and waves had battered the beach at Kaiteriteri

An Oyster Catcher enjoys a picnic on the beach at Apple Tree Bay, Abel Tasman National Park

A singular ray of sunshine just caught this fern leaf, which in turn caught my eye while walking the Abel Tasman

Bright green foliage abounds high up on Mount Arthur

The simply stunning Wainui Falls

A battle through the undergrowth got me to the vantage point I wanted for this image near Wainui Falls

An ominous looking sky while driving around Collingwood

We went on a walk to find an old swing bridge, which was no longer there, however, we did find Salisbury Falls which were beautiful.

The Janie Seddon has been an icon just off the Motueka shoreline since 1955. I first saw it 10 years ago when we visited the area and I have tried all sorts of options to get an image that I really feels suits it......on a very warm morning with the tide coming in I finally got the image I was looking for. Unfortunately I suspect that if this poor old wreck is hit by many more storms it will simply disintegrate where it is.

Under a crescent moon.

Disappearing rocks. I was definitely too far out in the water when I captured this image and had to scramble back to shore just in time as the tide comes in very quickly at Motueka.

A beautiful sunrise reflected in the anchor point on the beach

Just south of Cape Farewell lies the Whanganui Inlet. A stunning drive on the southern edge of the inlet eventually brought us to this beach.

Just over those dunes is the amazing Wharariki Beach. This is one of my favourite walks in the area.

You come out through this tunnel of branches to the top of the Wharaki Beach and see the amazing arches, it's like being transported into a different world.

Wharariki Beach.....most definitely worth the walk

Looks like someone was here before me!

Baby peacock and mother at Wharariki Beach

The wind blows strongly at Cape Farewell and on this day gave dramatic skies

As the morning progressed the clouds started to clear and sunlight hit the sea

Not too difficult to see there is a strong prevailing wind at Cape Farewell

A very big sky looms over Farewell Spit disappearing into the distance

Rabbit Island near Mapua took a battering in the storms as we discovered when we went for a walk along the beach, It did have lots and lots of shells on it though making for an interesting image.

Nelson cathedral may look stark from the outside and not to everyone's tastes but inside it is stunning.

It seemed everywhere I looked when walking through the Abel Tasman the sunlight was just catching individual leaves.

Sunrise at Motueka