Grown down just down the road, Central Otago cherries......yum, yum and more yum

I had a mad dash from the airport to Kelvin Heights peninsula to get this shot. What a spectacular twenty minute show it was

Faith, isn't she gorgeous :-)

Stormy morning walk around the peninsular

This cloud formation built up over a couple of hours as I watched it from the house before it decided it was too heavy and bucketed down with rain

Typical Otago views

Unfortunately typical Otago views for the first part of the year! I just wis we could have redirected it to Australia to help with their horrific bush fires this year

Love this view as we drive from Alexandra to home. This particular evening the light was absolutely stunning.

Just a view from the house, we are very lucky

View from the deck at Kelvin Heights towards Queenstown on one particularly still morning

View from the road up to the Remarkables Ski Field. Remarkable mountain range and a remarkable view!

Almost at the ski fields

A little bit of street photography during my quick dash to Dunedin

They're going the wrong way ;-)

I just like creating a simple image in a city

The wonderful schist rock on the hills around the Teviot Valley

That's about as quintessential Central Otago as it gets

I rescued this dragonfly from the house and it was so relaxed it just sat on my hand crawling up my thumb before flying off. It was so chilled out I was even able to change lenses on my camera without it flying off so I could get this image.

Another day up the Remarkables