Wow, what a location Marfells Beach is! Situated about 30kms south of Blenheim on the coast where, on a clear day, you can see the North Island.....and we did get quite a few clear days.
The location is packed with tourists in the summer to the extent that you'd struggle to find a spot, however, at the end of July the place was almost deserted....just the way we like it.
Now, as a member of the NZMCA we are supposed to proudly display the caravan association wings on our van to let everyone know we are members. With us not being the most sociable of people I really didn't want to put them up, but, Bec finally managed to persuade me. Less than three hours later we had a knock at the door and a fellow NZMCA member decided to come and say hello and bring worse fears were coming true. If that wasn't enough within the next 48 hours I'd helped another member with a flat battery and two mad old woman who couldn't work out how to get their generator working......I was very close to taking them back off again!
How can you get antsy though when you are in such a beautiful location that for, day after day, we were able to just walk along the beach morning and evening, simply stunning. Other than a few trips into Blenheim to see our son and get some shopping we just stayed at the site and walked along the beach every day.....beautiful.