Wonderful light on trees during a road trip around the Canterbury backroads

A lone leaf hanging on while the river rushes by

A walk through a forest had lots of steps. These ones felt like they should lead to a grotto in the woods!

Part of the Godley Heads track on a very calm day

A cross and prayer flags at the top of the cliff looking back towards Christchurch

Barbed wire prevents access to the Godley Heads Gun Emplacements which are undergoing restoration work following the earthquakes

Wonderful day for a walk on the headlands

A foggy day at the botanical gardens led to some interesting images. The bikers bowed head added to the gloominess of the conditons

Leaves turning from green to gold as Autumn comes to an end

One of the bigger trees in Christchurch Botanical Gardens which has lost most of its leaves.

The tree in the distance caught my eye as I walked past the row of trees leading to its ghostly silhouette in the mist

Morning walk in the mist shrouded Hagley Park

The setting sun glimpsed through the few remaining leaves on this tree hanging on before winter claims them

Early morning light and a blanket of dense cloud on the horizon led to a very stark image

At high tide the water used to cover these rocks, now they are completely dry following the earthquake ground upheavel

Walking along the beach to Cape Campbell lighthouse on a stormy day

I was amazed to find that two years later this structure on Marfells Beach is still standing

Marfells Beach at low tide and sunset, simply beautiful

Boulder on Marfells Beach

Jordy ready to take our order for a wonderful Breakfast Burrito and Pulled Pork Sandwich at the Clarence Food Van

Afternoon light heading back towards Blenheim from Kaikoura

Rail lines have gone rusty as there are no trains running since the earthquake.

Windswept tree on Ward Beach made for an interesting study in texture

Looking out from the South Island to the North Island from Marfells Beach

Capturing what was once the seabed on Ward Beach at sunrise. Fascinates me that this was once submerged!

Light pollution from Wellington on the North Island provides and interesting counterpoint to the rising Milky Way

Standing on what was once the seabed at Ward Beach

Walking from Marfells Beach to Cape Campbell Lighthouse revealed a different landscape to the one we remembered two years ago

Cyclists enjoying the calm and clear blue sky day

Rickety old steps take you up to Cape Campbell Lighthouse for stunning, if windy, views

I love quirky views and couldn't resist how this angle of the lighthouse create an image that looks like an envelope

Early morning light and stormy skies made for some dramatic light on the distant hills

Mussels high and dry on Marfells Beach

Lake Grassmere in the early morning

Havelock gradually appearing out of the morning fog

Playing around with unusual angles while walking around Nelson on a beautiful clear day

Just love the peace and quiet of the Chines Gardens in Nelson

A, slightly eccentric local, feeds the ducks in Nelson gardens

The deserted road. This image shows a deserted State Highway 1 that leads to Kaikoura. Prior to the earthquake this shot would not have been possible due to the volume of traffic. On this day I was able to set up for the image with no vehicles passing for almost 10 minutes.