With the number of cases in New Zealand dropping rapidly I took the opportunity to head to our local town 35kms away and take some photos along the way. That was more mileage than I had covered in the previous 5 weeks and felt really weird to be travelling at speed again!

Some beautiful mornings in Roxburgh during Autumn

The sunrise on this morning was spectacular for about 5 minutes then all gone, good job the camera was nearby

Some lockdown creativity

More lockdown creativity

Like I said, beautiful starts to the day in Autumn. Quite possible they happen in Summer as well....I'm just not awake earlier enough to notice ;-)

Had a great trip up to Christhchurch on the quietest roads I have ever known. This is the Lindis Pass looking particularly moody under stormy skies.

Love this spot just outside of Twizel near Mt Cook

I see Mt Cook from this spot on just every trip I have through this area. So unusual not to see it I thought I should mark the occasion with a photograph of the emptiness!

Christchurch Cathedral still behind bars

Someone enjoying the peace and quiet of the stunning new library in Christchurch

Great views from the top of the new library

Reflection of my good friend Pete in the library windows enjoying the views of the city.

More architecture captures of the library

....and more

Anonymous users of the library. So many great angles in that space to capture images.

Look closely, you'll see hand prints on the left to balance the image :-)

Quite cold walking around the botanical gardens

Just loved the texture on this leaf

In total contrast from my journey to Christchurch it was blue skies going home

The Lindis Pass in the last rays of sunlight......stunning!