Mt Holdsworth was our home for just a week but what a great week it was. Over the hills from Wellington and in the back of beyond (no mobile reception at all) we found Mt Holdsworth. This site is huge, but, we managed to find a secluded spot surrounded by trees that we had all to ourselves for the entire stay. We had a few incredibly windy days as well so were very happy we set up camp where we did!
From this site we did a number of walks up the hills and along the river tracks. Definitely a place to come back to on our way back down the country as there is so much more to see and explore from here. This area also happened to be a great spot to get out and explore some other spots before heading to our next destination of Taupo. The absolute highlight was a day out, on my birthday, to Castelpoint. We spent the whole day here walking the coastline and getting some images of the famous lighthouse. Great spot and definitely one to stay at in the future, even if it does get incredibly windy!

Castlepoint Lighthouse from the cliff walk

North of Castlepoint gave a great location to capture the surf and high clouds

Stormy skies and light rays over the Kaitoke hills

I developed a fascination for photographing these leaves that seemed to cover the forest floor and, on this occasion a tree

Great spot for a picnic and to look out over Kaitoke. Our van is located somewhere down at the valley floor