Sunrise at Lake Ohau......now that is a pretty view just 20 meters from your front door!

Typical tussock grass found around Mackenzie Country giving it its distinct look. Lake Ohau is in the background.

Water flows along a river on one of our walks around Lake Ohau

The dejected look on the face of this worker pretty much sums up the cold, nasty and grey weather we had for a few days around Lake Ohau

After days of constant gloom the clouds gradually start to break up.

A lonely cloud drifts in over the snow capped hills surrounding us

The backroads around Fairlie revealed a myriad of well kept paddocks and buildings

Must be the time of year but every day seemed to have its own spectacular cloud formation

Irishmans Creek has a very famous structure on the main road which there must be several million photos of. This hut is also part of Irishmans Creek and was used back in the early 1900's by the workers creating the roads.

Parent keeping a watchful eye on the young ones

The view from our new 'favourite picnic spot'......the list keeps getting longer ;-)

Another area I will need to come back is the northern end of Lake Tekapo. Absolutely stunning here on a clear night.

Whenever we are in Fairlie I am fascinated by Lake Opuha which is only about 10 minutes out of town. This particular morning there was not a breath of wind which resulted in a mirror finish on this huge expanse of water.

It really didn't look like much as we crossed the bridge but this small river gave quite a few photo opportunities

Misty morning at Lake Tekapo was super eerie!

Just too funny so had to include this one :-D

Looking back down Lake Tekapo to Mt John for the start of a stunning night of astro photography

Sometimes, just sometimes, telegraph poles work well in an image.....the rest of the time I just curse them for getting in the way

Through a tunnel under the road to the river beyond

We're back on the farm, wow they've grown and still as curious as ever!

Slightly mad street performer at a town street fair in Rangiora

Another street performer, this time impressing the locals with his card tricks

A troupe of belly dancers came up from Christchurch to add some colour to the festivities

With the coastal road under repair we had to take an inland route to Kaikoura, I was very happy when this view presented itself.

Great to be on the coastal walk again around Kaikoura and, from talking with the locals, it seems they are gradually getting back on their feet with the tourist trade picking up again.