Considering that before we embarked on this adventure we really thought that Geraldine area had little to offer it seems strange that we are back again, only 10kms from our original stopping point at Orari Gorge. However, we loved that site so much that here we are again :-).
Whereas Orari was surrounded by trees Waihi, in contrast, is nice and open with a river running alongside it. It's quite a large site and, for most of the stay, we had it all to ourselves.
With only a week at this spot before needing to head back to Leithfield we really didn't do an awful lot as it was particularly cold, especially on the last night when the battery failed us which meant no water, no lights and no heating.....brrrrrr!

An experiment with a telephoto lens lead to this one

One of many rainbows we saw. This was from the site and cool to have a double rainbow

One benefit of these locations is that getting a good spot for sunrise was just a two minute stroll from the van

Another night, another Aurora. Can't quite believe I've been lucky enough to see these so often this year and as far north as Geraldine area both times we have been here